Thank You!


Uhhhh. Any Chance You Could Bump That Review Up to 5 STARS?

Dear Valued Customer….

The difference between a 5 STAR review and anything less is HUGE for small companies like mine. So, if you gave us less then 5 STARS for something small like there wasn’t enough ice or it melted or there were not enough cups or paper towels etc… Then please hit your back button to go back and give us 5 Stars BUT… be sure and tell me about any problems in the comments section so I can make improvements.

Hello… My name is Woody Hunt and I am the President of Socallimosandbuses.com and Partybus4us.com and I very much appreciate you helping me here.

As President, a big part of my job is reviewing what our customers are saying about us and seeing to it that all our drivers, vehicles and staff are providing the kind of service that earn us 5 STAR reviews from our Very Valued Customers…

So thanks again for helping me with your comments and advice. You can rest assured I will be looking into what you said about our service and where we can make improvements.

Lastly, It’s not to late to bump up your Star Count… just hit the back button on your browser and give us FIVE  : ).

Again. Thank You!

We look forward to serving you again soon.

Woody Hunt, President